Run your service company at scale

Over the last few years, we have gained extensive experience working with service companies, allowing us to gain an in-depth understanding of their processes and pain points.

We've observed that as service companies grow, they tend to become cluttered, making it difficult for customers to navigate. This is often a result of taking on bigger projects, more clients, and hiring more employees to support this growth.

Let's dive a little deeper in the prominent issues we observed

Assets and feedback

  • Documents and files scattered across multiple platforms
  • Feedback is send over email inboxes or in multiple excel files

Progression tracking

  • Lack of transparency on the progress of the work
  • Unclear deadlines for deliverables
  • Lack of clarity on expectations for both parties

Client onboarding

  • No clear information on people involved
  • No guidance on how to provide feedback or issues

With incredible tools like Notion, Asana and other alike there has become great internal for progress tracking, and other tools like Google Drive, Dropbox for shared files. But rather than pushing clients into tens of internal collaboration tools, what if just have an portal for the client where everything comes togheter?

With Milton we are helping companies overcome these issues and improve the overall customer experience, from start to finish.

Ready to automate your service business?

  • Get all your clients on one app
  • Never get lost in emails looking for that one file or comment
  • Stop those recurring questions on progress
  • Keep a tight ship that scales
People working with Milton app
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Organize files, share feedback, and manage projects from one place. Give your clients a clear view of your work in their own client portal.

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